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Terms of Use

We appreciate your interest in ClinPACS.com and your visit to our website. Please note that both for your and our protection we have to set up terms and conditions of use. Visitors to this website are bound by the following terms and conditions, so please read these carefully before continuing.

 Exclusion of liability

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and up-to-date, ClinPACS.com does not accept liability to any party for loss or any special, indirect, or consequential damages relating to the information contained in this website, or through omission or errors, how so ever caused.

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All information provided as part of this website is intended to be general in nature and you should not rely on it in connection with the making of any decision, or for specific patient care. ClinPACS.com is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information nor for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of taking this action.

 Copyright and other protective rights

© ClinPACS 2007. All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations, and videos and their presentation on this website are protected by copyright and other commercial protective rights. The content of these websites may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some images, graphics, sound, animations and videos and their presentation on this website may be subject to third party copyrights.

All trademarks used on this website are protected under trademark law. 

Communication via e-mail

Please note that e-mail is not considered a secure medium for sending information and may therefore be at risk. We advise that you understand and accept this lack of security when using this form of communication with us. If we receive an e-mail from you, we will assume that we are authorised to reply via the same medium unless you explicitly request an alternative form of reply. 

Patient identifying details should not be transmitted by email unless expressly authorised by that patient, and you are to ensure all communication are HIPAA complaint (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191, enacted  August 21, 1996).  The Privacy Rule protects all "individually
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Privacy Policy

ClinPACS.com respects your privacy and confidentiality:

  • Our site makes no attempt to determine who you are unless you provide those details as part of the download process;
  • If you send an inquiry from our website we will keep your information confidential;
  • We do not share your information with any third parties, apart form that required to provide the download options as requested by you, or to seek assistance for a problem or issue raised by you.

If you have any questions on our privacy policy please contact ClinPACS.com at info@clinpacs.com

These Terms of Use were last modified on February 6th 2007.

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