
“Image Access for the Orthopaedic Surgeon”
Ortho-Access is an integrated system of imaging tools essential for the Orthopaedic Surgeon working in the digital environment.

Combining the functionality and power of

True Life Anatomy*
TLA Generator creates 3D models from CT/MRI data and is part of a comprehensive set of medical visualization and analysis software tools to allow multi-dimensional displays, 2D to 3D processing and  3D model generation and animation.         * not FDA / CE Certified


TLA Prosthesis Store
3D prosthesis mesh models are available in a secure and protected TLT (True Life Template) format. 


creates a comprehensive system to deliver the diagnostic imaging needs of the Orthopaedic Surgeon -  to give image access to PACS, 2D and true 3D templating, Volume and Surface 3D image creation and manipulations as well as virtual surgery for fracture treatment planning.


Ortho-Access trial launches at Major Trauma Hospital



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